Monday, January 30, 2012


Hey all! I hope you are having a good 2012 so far! We are, God has truly blessed us and that's all we need! I thought I 'd share some current pics of the kids with you. They are growing like weeds, especially little Anleigh. She is getting quite a little personality!! She can also say Sara Kate's name now. While we are shopping she is constantly saying," Sara Kate come here!" .... I wonder where she's hear that!
Sammy is learning to read. He is doing so good! He has all A's. Luke is losing every tooth in his head! And is becoming a professional Wii player. SK is still always up to mischief and still sweet. We are trying to ween her off the thumb. Best thing is she actually wants to, so far she is done well.
We took these pics this past Sat morning for our Valentine cards. When I get them finished I'll show you. They are so cute! Well, gotta run!
Enjoy the pics...............................

Friday, January 13, 2012

It's about time!!!!

So..... shall we pick up where we left off? Lets see, it was a whole different season!!! I believe there were pumpkins involved? Thanksgiving that's right! Sorry for the disappearance over the last few months. I should let you know life comes before blogging. And life has been good but busy over the past few months.
We went to Doug's mom's for Thanksgiving. It was so nice to see everyone. We had not been since the summer. The kids got a lot of cousin time, which they loved. All the pics this post are going to be in collage form due to the fact there are so many and I'm too lazy to upload all of them to the blog!

And them came CHRISTMAS!!!! This was one of the busiest Christmas' I have every had! We celebrated all month. As usual, about a dozen parties to attend and a few to host. I really tried to stressed to the kids this year the real meaning of Christmas. That it's all about JESUS and not Santa, parties, presents, goodies and all the other distractions there are during the season.
The boys really wanted a Wii, and my parents were gracious enough to get them one. They love it! And I have to say, I've enjoyed it a time or two also. Especially the Wipeout game!
It was a really good Christmas. We are actually finally starting to establish a few traditions. Which I'm not too fond of traditions but at Christmas it's ok!

For those of you who did not receive a Card from us this year.......

this is the front:

This is the back:
More post to come soon! I promise!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Catching up...............

Wow! Has it really been over a month since my last post? Time is flying! I want to introduce you to Moe. We got him about a month ago and he has grown a good bit since these pictures. He's a good dog, but he is a puppy and like to dig, chew, and tear up anything he can get a hold of!

Luke's seventh birthday was on Oct. 18. He chose how he wanted to celebrate. We went to "city" pumpkin patch. And of course dinner at McDonalds and yogurt at Chill.

He also wanted bug and snake cupcakes for his class and a cookie cake to have at home.

We had a good time at Trunk or Treat this year. They got way too much candy! Luke and Sam were the dynamic duo Mario and Luigi. SK was Tinkerbell and Anleigh was a cute little ragdoll.

Doug and I went with Luke on a fieldtrip to the Wiregrass Museum of Art. I have never been there, it was nice. The kids really enjoyed the play area. Here's Luke as living art!

This past weekend we visited my parents. On veteran's day we went down to Pensacola to see the Blue Angels. We walked and walked and walked and......... you get the picture! We parked about a mile from the air field and had to walk it. The kids held up good. The show was awesome! I felt so proud of our military!

Two other things to tell you about.... Anleigh got her ears pierced.

.........................And Sam lost his first tooth! ( and he has a dirty face in this pic!)

My babies are growning up!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Hello Blog Friends!

I wish I could pull off a hairdo like that and look that cute! Yes folks, we're still here. Sorry for the long delay in post. I plan on LOTS of picture this post to catch you up! I never realized how demanding it is to have homework. Do homework and read for 20 minutes, I dread it more that Luke does! I don't know what I'll do when I have four with homework! But I have seen the good side of it. He loves to read book about animals, especially snakes. We went to the library the other day and checked out twenty-one books mostly on animals! His reading is getting better and better I'm so proud of him!
I've been admiring the pretty grassy fields we pass on the way to church lately. I love seeing rolling hill of green grass with a beautiful blue sky behind it. I scored this sweet ladder back chair with a cane seat at the rescue mission the other day. So I just took the boys on a little photo outing............

They were so sweet, but scared to death of stepping on a snake! We had a good time.
We had quite a tragic day last Saturday, our beloved swingset had to be condemned and demolished. I didn't get pics of the demolition , but I did get a few of some last happy moments we had with it. We will miss you Swingset! You were so good to us! We hope to get a new one for Christmas ( HINT, HINT, Granna & Papa!)

I've had the fall itch, and had no money to scratch it with! I have really wanted one of these for the last two seasons. But didn't want to spend the dough for it. So I came up with this for less than $10........................

Thank you Hobby Lobby and your 40% off Coupon!
We had a little family campfire/camp out last Friday night. We ate out by the fire, roasted marshmallows. The kids had a blast! Doug set up the (two) man tents for him, Luke, Sam, and SK to sleep in. They weren't out there twenty minutes before SK was knocking on the back door wanting in her bed! Maybe she's not a "Roughing it" kind of girl!

If you are a Southern Baptist I hope you are filling up your rice bowls this month.
Anleigh is.................

SK has trained Ani how to push her around in the shopping cart. They are so funny doing this. Ani is pushing with all her might and laughing her head off at the same time!

I had a little special time with Sammy yesterday. He had his first fieldtrip to the pumpkin patch. He has twenty-six kids in his K5 class! It was neat seeing him interact with all his little friends he tells me about at home.

Milking the cow!

The best part of the trip, riding the bus! His teacher's aid Ms. Cawly (aka Carly) was the driver.

His little buddies are SO cute!

This is his best friend. They were in the same class last year. They were inseparable!

Happy Weekend!